biasanya ikan sapu sapu di pelihara di aquarium untuk ngebersihin kaca aquarium bagian dalam ikan ini bisa tumbuh mencapai 40 cm
tapi ikan sapu sapu yang di temukan Shaun Brown di Grand Union canal Leicester begitu besar bentuknya. ikan ini sebenarnya hidup di daerah tropis amerika selatan
* Armoured suckermouth catfish grow up to 2ft long. Females are bigger than males.
* Herbivores, they feed mainly on algae - but will eat almost any detritus.
* Sucker-like lips enable them to cling to surfaces and rasp off food.
* Live in tropical South and Central America. Able to survive in very fast and dirty water.
* Rapid breeders, females lay their eggs on submerged stones, logs or in holes.
* Males guard the eggs, which hatch in 3 to 5 days.
* Natives reported to eat the eggs as caviar.
* Popular aquarium fish because they provide a 'clean-up service' for the tank by hoovering up algae.
* Sometimes called 'plecos' or 'plecs' after Latin name 'hypostomus plecostomus'.
* More than 100 different species of suckermouth catfish. Some can live out of water for up to 30 hours.